This is a fan-made card creation application for the board game HeroQuest copyright Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast and Avalon Hill.

If help is needed with the RTF tags: Document or download a pdf of the page below.


Monk Elemental Abilities (under Generic Card tab)
--These are stand-in templates until there are better templates.
Ability to load old cards for editing.
Quite a few Quality of Life updates.

Custom Card tab.

I lost my WebGL source files for this app. So I was only able to update the Windows build. I don't even remember how I had the upload and download working for the previous build. Previous WebGL build will stay available for the time being.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
TagsBoard Game, Unity


Download 57 MB
HQCC_v1.9_sourcefiles.unitypackage 21 MB
HQCC.rar 40 MB
HQCC_sourcefiles.unitypackage 18 MB
Rich Text, TextMesh Pro Documentation.pdf 572 kB


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its a wonderful tool. I have created many cards with it, and its the only tool i use for card creation. The only suggestion i have is to be able to change the colors on the Monk Cards and be able to add your own icon, I guess is what you would call it. The Wind, Earth, Water, Fire icons. That would be cool to use this template and add different colors and icons.

Great tool, but can you add cut and paste to the text for the online version. I often want to use Read Aloud in Microsoft Word to avoid typos, then paste the completed text into the image

This is a really good tool, I'm impressed! It would be good to get an option for double attacking characters like the polar war bear (4/4) but apart from that I'm going to have some fun with this! 

Hi, the current version does not allow you to change the back of heroes cards. If you need to print that card many sites ask you to remove watermark logos.  In the previous version was possible to completely remove heroquest logo, now you can only switch between full name and "quest" please add the possibility to complely remove watermark. Thanks

It's a great resource, but I'm using it on the web and I'm unable to load any images, the button simply doesn't work. I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm using MacOS?

Deleted 296 days ago

Fantastic resource for the HQ community! Been able to make a few custom cards for our game nights. 

I was wondering though, would you consider adding a template for the new 'Chaos Spell cards' that were featured in the Ogre Horde remake (The ones with the purple borders) Was trying to make some custom ones but couldn't quite get the formatting right.

What size should be used for monster icons that take up two spaces, such as the giant wolf or ogre champion? If the width is set to 225 pixels and the height is less than that, it still shrinks the icon to be a square.

That is something I didn't think about at all. I will look into that and try to fix it. Thanks for pointing that out!

(1 edit)

Nevermind, just needed to reload page..............Monster card not accepting new card image, stays the wizard.  Same pic works on hero card.  Are there any limits on pic size?

I never checked the limits of the image size. I don't know.

I get the same issue. When I reload a card, the text data loads in all entries correctly, but the picture and icon picture do not. He said size limit, but is it possible something is wrong with the fetch request? Do the images need to be saved somewhere for the program to find them correctly?

No. I hadn't implemented an automatic fetch for images. Not exactly sure on how to do that yet.

The HTML version online does not trigger the iOS onscreen keyboard when clicking into text fields. (Like naming a card to save it.) Is there a fix for this?

Sorry about this, i have no apple products to check it with. But if you or anyone wants to make an iOS build the Unity files are available.


This is a fantastic tool that the community really needs, thanks so much for your hard work!  However, I do find that it tends to not create completely accurate matches to the "real" cards, especially in terms of text formatting. For example, the card back text is slightly bolder and itallicized on the official cards but not the ones from this program (using text tags doesn't achieve the same result, either). Line spacing on some cards, especially equipment/treasure/spell cards, is too cramped and not  reflective of the "real" card spacing. I get that might be to allow more text, but I would definitely prefer either authentic spacing or a way to change line space.  Again, this is a fantastic tool for the HQ community and I would really like to see its minor issues ironed out. The only obvious missing feature is of course a way to save/load cards, but while that would be very welcome, being able to create completely accurate cards is my main wish.


I presented a little of what the tool is capable of doing. Thanks for the program, it's fantastic and a lot of people will use it to create game cards.

It was awesome! I watched the vids and subscribed. Many thanks! And great job explaining it.


I love this. Great job. I would really like to be able to open up a previous card that ive made and be able to re-edit it rather than having to do it all over again


love it!  thank


God bless you !!!!